Every Wednesday morning Nantwich Buddies runs a coffee morning, called ‘Coffee and Company’ for people who want to meet others and enjoy some company and a chat over a cuppa.
Those chats are fascinating and finding out about each other is often the highlight of the morning. One of the people who joins us regularly is Keith. Until Parkinsons stopped him around ten years go, he was a champion vegetable grower and regularly won awards at local events such as the Nantwich or Audlem shows. His prize onions grew to four pounds in weight and his marrows and parsnips were cream of the crop too!
Having learnt a lot from his parents, gardening was Keith’s hobby for over 40 years, a way of relaxing at weekends and evenings after a hard day working in aircraft engine repair. He was often spotted going to the greenhouse at 11pm to stoke the boiler and even sowed his precious onion seeds before dinner every Christmas Day!
Keith comes along to Coffee and Company to meet new people in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Keith says “I like coming along on a Wednesday to speak to different people. My wife goes to an art class at the same time in Nantwich so we can come into town together and both do our own thing for the morning!”
If you would like to know more about Coffee and Company please get in touch on 01270 440750.
The image shows Keith winning with his prize onions at the Nantwich Show in 1992