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Signposting - directing people to other useful groups and organisations

Signposting Websites

Theory Preparation Icon

Nantwich and Rural Care Community Directory

Local directory of companies and individuals you can contact for help for a wide range of health care services. You might find useful if you need to signpost a client who needs a particular service over and above what we can offer.

Road Sign

Live Well - Cheshire East

Find over 3,000 health, well-being and support services in Cheshire East by searching for a Live Well Service. Search by category and location to find your nearest service provider.

Signposting Documents

Local Social Clubs/Groups 

We have put this list together of social groups/clubs in and and around Nantwich. We can't guarantee that the information is always up-to-date so we suggest you make contact with the group before you visit.

Dementia Support

This is a list of Dementia support groups and organisations in and around Nantwich. The last group listed on the attached document is at the Wingate Centre, Wrenbury and now meets every Friday 11.30am-1.30pm. Contact Frances Underhill on 07757 157992 for more details.

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