As we continue to support over 50 households across Nantwich and the rural surrounding areas with shopping, befriending and lending a helping hand.
Buddy, Carmel Meila, has taken this one step further and raised over £900 to support Nantwich Foodbank by making beautiful Christmas toys and decorations. One of the decorations, nicknamed by the Buddies the ‘Nantwich Angel’ caught their imagination and another eight buddies have joined Carmel in making them to sell to friends and family to raise much-needed funds for local good causes.
Carmel has also demonstrated how to make the Nantwich Angels at the latest meeting of the Happiness Hub, our community well-being group in Nantwich for anyone feeling isolated or lonely.
The Buddies has supported Carmel and the Nantwich Angels by contributing to the cost of the materials and founder, Liz Parkin, is delighted to be involved. Liz said;
“Carmel has done a tremendous job in making all these goodies and teaching some of us how to make them too. We’re really pleased to be able to support her and spread the word about her talent and passion in raising funds for the Foodbank and other local causes”.

Carmel, far right with members of the Happiness Hub showing off their completed Nantwich Angels